The Wonderful 101 Gets A Release Date

Nintendo has today announced that The Wonderful 101, the bright new action title from Platinum Games (creators of Bayonetta) will be released on August 23rd. The game features Wonder Red and his 100 friends saving the planet from an alien invasion from the evil Geathjerk. The game comes just weeks after the release of Pikmin 3, meaning that the Wii U’s perceived games-drought could be nearing a close.

The game, which is directed by Hideki Kamiya (who fans may recall created Devil May Cry, Okami, and Viewtiful Joe), sees players take control of one of the Wonder heroes – including Wonder Red, Wonder Blue and Wonder Green, joined by a small army of recruits. By drawing shapes on the GamePad, players can use their Unite powers to combine their recruits into weapons such as the Unite Gun or the Unite Sword to overcome all manner of obstacles and enemies. Players will have to add to their roster of recruited heroes by saving citizens, which will in turn increase the strength of their Unite powers. Knowing platinum we can probably expect to see some utterly insane bosses as well (though I don’t think we’ll punching deities into the sun).

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