Fez 2 Canceled Following Twitter Outburst from Phil Fish

PolyTron tweet

Phil Fish has had an outburst on his twitter account after website GameTrailers sarcastically referred to him and Jonathon Blow as “BlowFish”.

Publicly tweeting to Marcus Beer, the person behind the sarcastic comment, Fish had the following to say: “The thing with us “tosspots” “hipsters” is that we’re not beholden to media leeches like you, and you’re right. we’re VERY successful. and we’re not going anywhere. get used to it you middle-aged parasite, compare your life to mine and then kill yourself.”

Since tweeting this Fish has demanded that Beer issue a public apology whilst also defending his choice of words towards Beer.

“How would you react to this kind of **** if you were me,” he began, “consider it’s been going on for years now. you’d take the high road? I’m being attacked CONSTANTLY. and I can’t fight back? Ever? yeah that seems fair.”

“There’s not a day that goes by I don’t fantasize about leaving it. but that would only make you happy, right? i don’t want to have to get off twitter,” Fish states, “i love twitter. but it also invites SO MUCH UGLINESS into my life.”

Phil Fish has since closed his twitter account, following a tweet reading; “im done. FEZ II is canceled. goodbye.” This has since been backed up by the official Polytron account which tweeted much the same thing though in a more appropriate announcement.

Marcus Beer has since invited Fish to talk at PAX regarding this issue, “The invite is there. If you want to talk & prove me wrong, happy to do so, I also said you were hugely respected. You don’t help with the way you communicate. You alienate people myself included.”

What’s your thoughts on Phil Fish’s outburst and are you said to learn that Fez 2 shall no longer be made? Let us know how you feel in the comments.