Deadly Premonition Graduates From Steam Greenlight

You may remember us pushing you to vote for Deadly Premonition on Steam Greenlight this time last week. It seems that  badgering paid off because Access Games polarizing horror has been approved in just six days.

On their recent Steam Greenlight announcement Rising Star Games said “To say we’re floored is an understatement – it’s all thanks to you guys, your support and your passion for the game.” They go on to say “we can’t really say thank you enough… without your help, we wouldn’t be here now”. How nice of them.

Aiming for a Halloween 2013 launch window, the PC version will feature all of the Director’s Cut material as well as a few PC specific bonuses.

What do you think? Going to give this so-bad-it’s-good game a go? Let us know what you think in the comments.