Alice: Otherlands Questions Answered and The Rundown

We sat down with Spicy Horse Games community manager Ophelea to answer some questions you might be asking about the recent Alice: Otherlands Kickstarter and what is actually is.

The most important thing to know is that this is NOT a game but for the rights to make a Alice based film or animation and the money to put this into production.

I can not afford the backing tiers am I useless?
$1 may not sound important, but remember, every pledge is an additional person showing interest in keeping Alice alive and this will make EA listen during negotiations for a 3rd game.

Will there be an Alice game?
The animated shorts are not the “end” of the trilogy. They are simply part of the third story. We are still in negotiations for a license to make a third game.

What happens if you can not raise the money for the film rights and does the Kickstarter include the budget to make the “film”
If we cannot raise the money for the rights, they go on the open market and ANYONE can purchase them and make “American McGee’s Alice” the film.

Yes, the budget includes enough to make at least one short.

Will you be selling the film to non Kickstarter backers after it is completed?
Yes. Though we don’t know what the distribution platform will be, it will be available and it will not be region locked.

What is Alice: Otherlands about?
There is something awry in London. The city is besieged by an unknown evil. She is entering Otherlands to observe, to learn.

Will the film be made in house?
No. We are a game company not a film studio. Our artists will guide studios in and around Shanghai but we will continue to work on our core competency.

What will the style be like? Will it look like Alice:Madness Returns?
It will feature a number of styles from 2D to stop-motion to whatever the specific director wants. Think The Animatrix, where the style fit the story.

The “DVD” will it be on DVD or is it on BluRay?
You have the option to purchase DVD or blu-ray for the same price. We created the tiers before we realized the demand for Blu-ray and were unable to edit them afterwards. The digital download will include 480, 720 and 1080p.

Will there be region lock?
No. Absolutely no.

Which tiers will have the canvas art in them? I cant really tell from the tiers.
All of the canvas art is available as add-ons. When we launched the Kickstarter, there were legalities that prevented us from offering art. Since then, we’ve solved those issues. If you want a piece of art, simply increase your pledge by the amount of the item (plus any shipping); then, when the survey comes around at the end of the Kickstarter, you can indicate what the extra money is for.

A personal message from Spicy Horse,

” VGU was one of our Top 10 contributors to our Akaneiro Kickstarter. We’re very appreciative of all the support your readers give and hope we can continue to make games they will enjoy. 


So will there be an Alice game after this?

YES But,

This does not in any way replace the Alice game or Alice 3 if you want to call it that. American and Spicy Horse are still in negotiations with EA into acquiring the rights to make another game. The big factor will be proving to EA that there is still a need for another Alice game and an audience that still wants one. Getting the rights to an Alice related project like the Alice: Otherlands film or animation shows EA that there is still buzz around Alice.

If you love the Alice franchise and want to prove to EA that American is right in wanting to create another Alice game and the fans are behind him, backing this project could be the step needed.

Head over to the Alice: Otherlands Kickstarter page and have a look. Let us know in the comments below if you want another Alice game and if you have any questions about backing Alice: Otherlands.