Scribblenauts Unmasked Creation Trailer Shows Off The Hero Creator

Have you ever wanted to augment your favourite super-hero? Maybe you have just wanted to create your own from scratch? Well both are options are open to you in Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure. You can even go share them online, because we all like to show off our super-powered underwear.

5th Cell is working alongside Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to combine Scribblenauts and all of the DC Universes most heroic figures. Putting the usual Scribblenauts puzzles in the settings of Metropolis and Gotham already sounds like a fun idea, but when I can do it as my own hideous hero wannabe it reaches critical mass levels of sweet.

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure is out on Windows, Wii U and 3DS September 24th in NA.

What do you think? Any plans for your hero? Want an date for a release outside of NA? Let us know in the comments.