“Obscure” Game Changed To Final Exam And Comes With New Screenshots

It seems that Mighty Rocket Studios has learned a lesson today; Rebooting a horror series as an arcade shooter doesn’t sit will with fans.

While this may seem obvious, like rebooting Silent Hill as a beat-em up, Obscure has now been renamed Final Exam.

Director of Mighty Rocket Studios François Potentier said “When we read the first comments following the announcement of our new game, we understood that our fans expected a different content from a game entitled ‘Obscure“. He goes on to they changed the name because “even if the game makes a great number of references to Obscure and Obscure 2, we thought it important to rename it. At the end of the day, it’s a question of honesty and respect to the gamers“.

For fans who want to see a new Obscure game don’t despair as he also added the note “we have not given up on the idea of developing a real sequel to Obscure“.

This announcement comes on the same day that the Final Exam website launches.

The games overall direction has not changed since the original announcement as Obscure, so still expect a 2.5D side-scrolling shoot-em up about 4 characters stuck killing a menagerie of monsters.

Along with this news Mighty Rocket saw fit to release a few new screens:




Final Exam will be out on XBLA, PSN and PC next September.

What do you think? Like the name change or rather it stayed an Obscure game? What would you want to see in an Obscure 3? Let us know in the comments.