Tetsuya Nomura wants Star Wars and Marvel in Kingdom Hearts 3

I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but Tetsuya Nomura has expressed his interest in introducing both Star Wars and Marvel into Kingdom Hearts 3. This is something that fans of Marvel and Star Wars had been joking about since Disney acquired both companies. However, this might now be true if Mr Nomura is to get his way.

This information comes from the recent Japan Expo 2013 in France where Tetsuya Nomura had an interview with Finaland and FFDream. Here is what Nomura said:

“Of course it would be great if we could add those licenses as well. But there are lots of rules and restrictions by disney so we can’t actually put everything people want, so it’s a quite difficult decision but we’re gonna prepare some surprises for you so, just wait for the information.”

Personally, it would be pretty interesting to see how Marvel and Star Wars would play into the Kingdom Hearts universe. Do you want to see Star Wars and Marvel in the next Kingdom Hearts? Let us know what you think with a comment below.

Source: GearNuke