Aion Update 4.0 Ready to be Previewed for European Servers

 With Aion 4.0 Gameforge are looking at giving players early access for a chance to get a taste of the upcoming content. They are also using it as a chance for the community to give them feedback so they are able to bring the best possible features and gameplay to their players. In order to play the new features you must access the PTS server using the client below:

Due to integration work the client is currently only available in German. Players will be able to log in with either the existing player data or set up a new account and create a new hero in a newly designed menu and then make your way into the 4.0 adventure.

 4.0 Update Overview  

  • New classes: Engineer and Artist, which can be developed to protect or bards from 10th level.
  • Character Level 65: The maximum character level is increased from 60 to 65.
  • Additional areas and forts: The regions Katalams wait with their numerous forts and adventurous quests for hungry heroes.
  • Exciting Instances: A hateful Witch, with cruel experiments and an overpowering power are just some of the hazards that make the fighting for player put their skills in the six new instances to the test.
  • Stronger skills, weapons and armor.
  • Garrison Battles: Players conquer bases for their own group and hold it against enemy attacks.

Will you be playing the new update? Or do you have to wait because you can not read German? Let us know in the comments below or in our forums.