Max Payne 3 Finally Available For Mac

Max Payne 3 is a hard pill for some series veterans to swallow one year ago. It gutted Max Payne of his signature film noir style and personal tragedy, replacing it with bitter alcoholism and self-pity that left him unlikable and monotonous. The game however was pure Max Payne, shoot-dodging and dancing around bullets like a whiskey-driven ballerina. It explored the mechanics and boiled the series down to a solid core of action that was highly enjoyable.

Rockstar’s third-person shooter is now available for Mac OS X users, ready for those who want to see Max scowl and throw himself dramatically to the floor. It is better late then never, however this is just the core game sans DLC.  You would think as a token of good will Rockstar could package one or two of the seven DLC packs in with the game. This however is made impossible with the Rockstar DLC Pass, which bundles all the DLC for one reduced price.

Max Payne 3 can be bought on the Mac Apps Store for £27.99 and £24.99 on Steam for Mac.

What do you think? Would you have prefered Rockstar bundled in some of the DLC? What about a Game of the Year edition for all platforms? Let us know in the comments.