‘Primachine’ Now Available on iBooks and Kindle Store

Nival has announced that the first book in the Prime World series is now available at iBooks and the Kindle store. Written by Vadim Panov, the best-selling author of the “Secret Town” fantasy series, “Primachine” tells the story of Invariat and his brilliant new invention; a machine that can resurrect fallen heroes. A world once torn apart by magic will find its uneasy peace shattered again.

Primachine is based on Nival’s award-winning role-playing strategy game Prime World, named Best Strategy Game of E3 2011 by and Game of the Year 2012 by three major Russian publications, including Igromania.

You can get Primachine right now on iBooks and Kindle store for $0.99. Owner of a Kindle or an iOS device? Then let us know if you’ll be picking Primachine up with a comment below.