Shin Megami Tensei IV Launch DLC Details: Maps, Armour and Style

As one of the samurai protectors of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado, the game’s protagonist must battle and negotiate with demons in style, so in addition to the pre-order bonus costumes for various retailers that were revealed previously, a variety of in-game items will be available as DLC at launch: Three custom looks will be available for the protagonist to alter his look by changing hairstyles. These DLC items will be permanently free for anyone to download.

In addition to fighting in style, there will be a beneficial armour item free for the first month. The Platinum Surcoat Set offers a little bonus to stats in the early stages of the game, and will help players new to the franchise keep the upper hand. The armour will be available for free for the first month after SMT IV’s launch on July 16. After the first month, the price of the armour set will revert to $1 permanently.

There will also be a map pack available at launch to help players gain more experience. Suitable for the early stages of the game, the new maps will help players gain extra experience to boost their characters with enemies and a collectible demon exclusive to the DLC. The map pack will be $2 at launch. Additional DLC items will be revealed closer to launch.

SMT IV will be playable at E3 this year. Stop by the ATLUS booth (West Hall #5010) and check out a taste of the latest continuation of the epic RPG franchise. SMT IV’s lead character artist, Masayuki Doi will be signing a limited edition poster at E3 on Wednesday, June 12 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

So what do you think of the launch DLC for Shin Megami Tensei IV? Will you be getting the game upon release? Let us know what you think down in the comments.