Pokemon X and Y at E3

 With E3 around the corner, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo don’t have much time to impress us. Out of the three though, Nintendo will be the only company not having a press conference at the event. 

They WILL however be having a 90 minute event packed with oodles of information for Pokemon X and Y, hosted by Junichi Masuda (Director at Game Freak) and Tsunekazu Ishihara (President of the Pokemon company).

Clearly from these basic details we can expect to see lots from the new generation of Pokemon, especially when you take into account that they will be including a Q&A session with the event. 

It’s not yet known whether this will be streamed worldwide, but one thing will be sure, the amount of news and rumors on the internet due to Pokemon will surely explode. I know I can’t wait!

Excited about the E3 Pokemon event? Want to give us your opinion? Leave a comment below!