Straight from the Konami E3-Pre Show, which happened to be a pre-recorded show rather than a live event, Hideo Kojima took the stage to talk about the theme of the game. The game takes place in 1984, with a Snake who is in his late 40’s.
Avi Arad and Hideo Kojima together discussed the emotions of Snake. Kojima wanted everything to be portrayed using a vocal and emotional performance. Between the two, they decided that Keifer Sutherland was the man for the job and was brought in to do the role of motion capturing Snake. Not only that, Kiefer Sutherland has been confirmed as the brand new voice actor for the legendary Big Boss and is the replacement for David Hayter.
There you have it, folks. David Hayter will not be playing Snake in Metal Gear Solid V. Tell us what you think of this, is Kiefer Sutherland the right man for the job? Will be be able to win die-hard fans over?