Deus Ex: The Fall Revealed As Tablet Based Side-quel

It seems all of our predictions were wrong. Instead of being a new current or next-gen Deus Ex game, Deus Ex: The Fall will be a continuation to the novel “Deus Ex: Icarus Effect” on mobiles and tablets.

Set to come out this summer, The Fall follows British mercenary Ben Saxon on the run from The Tyrants, the group that Jensen fought and killed during Human Revolution. The game will take place during the 2027 timeframe of Human Revolution. Deus Ex: The Fall will be available for $6.99/£4.99/€5.99.

Developed by Square Enix’s European Mobile division, Eidos-Montreal aim to give the mobile and tablet gaming market a good kick in the trousers. Hoping to spur on more than insipid ports and watered down experiences, they hope The Fall will deliver a solid game worth playing.

Take a look at the announcement trailer below:

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