Black Ops 2 Free to Play Weekend on Steam


 This weekend Steam is holding a free to play weekend for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The multiplayer version of the game is available until Sunday 1PM PDT.

Black Ops 2 is the latest in a now very long line of Call of Duty games, based in the near future the player uses modern day weaponry combined with some futuristic gadget and weapon concepts for a new kind of battle field. The multiplay has modes you’d expect from a Call of Duty online game plus some new ones to keep things fresh. With Call of Duty Ghosts announced for a release date later this year this could be the last chance you get to play Black Ops 2 with the full audience playing it before they’re split between the different CoD series.

Will you be playing Black Ops 2? Do you already have the game or will you be using the free weekend? Let us know in the comments below.