Bethesda Softworks Reveals Wolfenstein: The New Order


Well, we just found out what #1960 is all about!

Bethesda just announced via Gamespot  that Wolfenstein: The New Order by MachineGames, will arrive for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC at the end of the year! The game is set in an alternate reality in 1960 where the Nazi’s won World War II, so B.J. Blazkowicz is back in action against the established order and has to somehow overthrow the Nazi regime.

As you can see from the trailer, the Nazis have also (somehow) been watching a bit to much Iron Man and have created mechs to help them keep their new world order. Interesting, we can only hope this is explained in the game…

But what do you think about super mech Nazi’s? Are you a Fan of the Wolfenstein series? What do you think of Wolfenstein: The New Order? Discuss this further in our forums or leave a comment below!