Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte Is Out Now On iOS

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“The game mechanics are deceptively simple to learn and very challenging to master, but it’s the wild characters that make Zoombies drop-dead funny and fun to play, Don Eduardo, the zookeeper, constantly encourages our heroes and arms them with ridiculous items, like a kid who can be shot from a circus cannon, while each of the seven species of Zoombies has its own dangerous design.”

Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte is an iOS title with a twist, it’s actually quite funny! It also answers the age old question that we all know you have been thinking about, what would happen if the zombie apocalypse started in a Mexican zoo?

After playing Zoombies I can honestly say I have never laughed as much as I did while playing this game compared to other iOS titles! If you are up for a laugh and fancy a cool little iOS game you could do a lot worse for $2.99!

Do you like the sound of Zoombies: Animales de la Muerte? Would you consider checking it out? Ley us know in the comments below!