Infinite Crisis: Gaslight Batman & Doomsday profiled in new videos

Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released two new Champion Profile videos for Infinite Crisis. The new videos give fans an in-depth look at Gaslight Batman and Doomsday.

Living in the Age of Invention, Gaslight Batman uses his amazing sonic weapons to strike from the shadows in his never ending war on crime. Relying primarily on his trusty sonic pistols to deal the majority of his damage, his powers still pack a punch as well as offer utility to catch or escape his opponents. Doomsday is a living weapon of adaptable mass destruction whose playstyle focuses on getting him into an opponent’s face and staying there until one of them dies.

Check out the Gaslight Batman and Doomsday in their videos above and let us know what you think of them in the comments below. Be sure to also sign up for the beta.