Hell Invaders is Revealed by Spicy Horse

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Hell Invaders is looking to be a interesting hybrid indeed! After the success and final quality of Akaneiro Demon Hunters it is great to see that the guys over at Spicy Horse are already hard at work on a new project and you can be sure it will be awesome! American has said that the game is “an action game with card collecting features” and will also be featuring a full single player campaign as well as a PvP system in place to further test your skills.

As a huge card game fan I am looking forward to this newest Spicy Horse title, the card art is glorious and the 3D combat is a great way to literally spice up the sometimes monotonous card game playstyle! Hell Invaders is looking to be release this fall, so if you like the look of these screenshots make sure to follow Spicy Horse on Facebook for the latest updates!

What do you think of “Hell Invaders”? Is it something you would play? Or should American just be focusing on the next Alice title? Let us know what you think in the comments below!