9 Year Old Girl’s Game Design Kickstarter is Funded 3000%

The young Mackenzie had a small goal on her Kickstarter campaign page, just $829 was needed to send her to an RPG STEM camp for children aged between 9-12 years old so she could make an RPG (in RPG maker) which, in her own words, isn’t too violent and isn’t filled with bad words, still has a good story line & cool graphics, but has shorter cut scenes, less menus & fewer controls.

This simple goal was not only quickly fully funded but the grand total for the whole campaign was around 3000% more than requested finishing at $24,534! This money not only was then used to now send Mackenzie to the RPG all summer, instead of just overnight, with a new laptop and some talented young artists to work with her. As well as this, her parents helped set up a website called Pinkiesquare, inspired by the 9 year old’s Kickstarter campaign, the site is intended to be a gathering spot for kids, a safe place for them to come together to learn, share, create, make and play games (with the help a few experts if they want it!) which is an amazing thing!

This is such a wonderful story and it is great to see kids of all ages being given the oppotunity to enjoy and learn how to make games. Make sure to look out for Truth & Trolls coming soon in July!

What do you think of Mackenzie’s Kickstarter? Will you play Truth & Trolls? Let us know in the comments below!