Monster Hunter Online Coming to the West

In a recent announcement from Tecent Games via Crytek have stated:

“The Monster Hunter games are known for immersing players in breathtaking worlds where great gameplay and spectacular sights go hand in hand, CryENGINE 3 is the perfect fit for the series, and will ensure Tencent Games and Capcom are well equipped to make Monster Hunter Online the groundbreaking MMORPG experience fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating.”

The press release went on to further state:

“Monster Hunter Online will be developed for the international market by Tencent Games and Capcom, and marks an exciting new era for a series that has enjoyed critical praise to match its popularity with players.”

With the recent success of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate released in the western areas it’s not a surprise that Monster Hunter Online could be released over here. We are VGU are very excited for this game and will bring you more news about this when it comes out!

[UPDATE] Crytek in another press release have made some changes to the above statement.

What do you think about Monster Hunter Online coming to western audiences? Will you play this new MMO? Let us know what you think in the comments below!