Debut Bundle 2 Ready For Purchase

The Debut Bundle 2 from Indie Royale is now available. The games on offer this time round are all on Steam Greenlight right now. The sextet of indie titles are Croixleur, Beast Boxing Turbo, Dawnstar, Battlepaths, Out There Somewhere and Diehard Dungeon.

The asking price right now is around £3, and to sweeten the pot, for £6/$8 you will also get Bright Primate’s debut album – The Reality Chipmusic Love Industry. Another incentive to give your money to hard-working indie devs.

The Debut Bundle 2 is available here and will be available for purchase for the next 5 days. Take a look at the games in the trailer below:

Have you bought the bundle? Do you enjoy the “pay-what-you-want” system? Tell us below in the comments.