Greenman gaming are spoiling their users, not only is it Zombie Week but there are other deals on too! Check them out!
Dark Souls: Prepare to die edition is currently half price on Greenman. One of the hardest modern games out there, you can try your hand at this game for only £14.99 and we suggest you do so!

Eve online is an MMOFPS with hundreds of thousands of players roaming deep space in order to battle, mine and survive in the harshness of space. Right now the Eve Online 30 day Starter Pack is down 75% to only £3.74. This pack will help any new player get started and help them along their way. If you’re looking for a new MMO to play or are interested in Eve, certainly give this a purchase.

Greenman gaming have gone Sims crazy. Right now many Sims games are down to half price, there are literally too many to list so make sure you check out Greenman gaming’s website to see if there are any you would like to grab!