Assassin’s Creed Duel Pictures Have Appeared Online

ACD Menus

The game, Assassin’s Creed Duel, was supposed to be released on the PlayStationNetwork and Xbox Live Arcade and from this concept art looked like it would have been a 2.5D fighter, akin to Mortal Kombat. Most of the main characters from the Assassin’s Creed series looked like they could be playable and some Ubisoft exclusive characters looked like they would be included!

I think this game would have been pretty cool if it was released but after just the semi decent success of PlayStation All Stars this may have put off companies from making specialist fighters. These mock up pictures were found on Benoit Perreault’s portfolio page, more awesome art and concepts can be found there as well!

What do you think about this unreleased Assassin’s Creed Game? Would you have played this? Would you still like to see it released? Let us know in the comments below!