Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter Reveals The Great Weapon Fighter With New Trailer And Screens

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The Great Weapon Fighter needs no tricks or illusions in combat, only the sharpest two-handed weapon to end an encounter. With a never-ending thirst for combat, the Great Weapon Fighter charges into battle at any given opportunity – recklessly at times. Similar to other classes like the Trickster Rogue or Guardian Fighter, the timing of your attacks is essential for any combat situation.

To initiate combat, veterans can lead with Avalanche of Steel or Mighty Leap. Combined with Takedown and Slam, the fighter can slow and keep enemies on the ground with ease. And with incredible closing speed, elite warriors can advantageously use Sprint, by holding the Shift key, to close the gap on enemies attempting to escape. Used in combination with finishing abilities like Punishing Charge or Come and Get It, enemies do not stand a chance while the class is on the hunt.

So what do you think of the Great Weapon Fighter? Are you looking forward to Neverwinter? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments and keep an eye out for our exclusive preview of the game right here on VGU.