Divinity: Dragon Commander Ready For Pre-Order

Larians Real-time strategy spin-off to their long running Divinity series is now available to pre-order through Good Old Games. Currently at the price of $39.99, early buyers will save $5. While the game isn’t out till July 2nd that is still $5 that could be spent elsewhere. 

Divinity: Dragon Commander is mix of real-time strategy, combat and a turn-based campaign. Players will be able to take turns waging war on a massive world map, then swoop down to command their land, sea and air units. To add that personal touch you can fly around the battle-field yourself. Did we mention you are a dragon on a quest to become the new emperor and create your own dynasty?

Here is a trailer to give you the fiery low-down:

Have you played the Divinity series? Like or hate this spin off idea? Tell us below in the comments.