Pre-Order The Epic Playstation 4 At ASDA

Asda is the only UK supermarket currently offering a pre-order service on the hotly tipped, new generation Playstation 4. Avid gamers can reserve a console for just £20, getting them a PS4 to purchase on the day of release. The successor of the highly popular Playstation 3 promises to lead us into the future of gaming, pushing technology to its limits and providing a seamless experience for gamers. A defining factor for the new console is the breadth of social interaction gamers can experience with one another from uploading gameplay footage to players joining games happening in real-time. The PS4 also allows ‘Remote Play’ where gamers can effortlessly take titles from TVs and play them on their PS Vita so the game never has to end.

Set to hit UK stores at the end of this year, the hugely powerful machine will have an all new personalised menu screen where gamers will see recommended content, what their friends are up to and other tailored information. Sony’s iconic controller has also had a shake-up as Dualshock 3 becomes Dualshock 4 with more precision, a new Touch Pad and the share button.

So are you a UK gamer that’s happy that he can get ahold of a PS4 from ASDA? Maybe you’ve already got your pre-order set? Let us know your thoughts below and score yourself your PS4 today by visiting the ASDA Website.