The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 07/04 – Mini Edition

sniper elite

 We all know Sundays are boring and we all know they suck because they mean Monday is tomorrow, but hopefully these cheap games on Steam will cheer you all up and make sunday fun again!

Sniper Elite Collection is currently on sale for £8.74. This pack includes Sniper Elite, Sniper Elite V2 and the DLC pack for V2. What’s more relaxing on a Sunday afternoon than shooting Nazi heads off from 300 feet away? Why not give it a go and help win World War 2.

If sniping isn’t your thing, maybe controlling a whole company in the Soviet army is! 9th Company: Roots of terror is an action RTS game based on actual events that took place during the Soviet campaign in Afghanistan, and on Steam it’s only £1.74. Taking control of a Soviet army for less than £2? Can’t argue with that.