Thief 4 Teaser Trailer Promises More Details Soon


Garrett has always been good at his job. The master thief hasn’t been seen since 2004’s Thief: Deadly Shadows. Soon he will be making another appearence though. The new Thief game, being the fourth in the series, will be reintroducing Garrett the master thief to a new legion of gamers who missed his primarily PC adventure. The next game will be on both PC and next-gen consoles.

While pretty much nothing is given away was given away in the short teaser is promises a future update April 2nd, 3 days from now. The trailer was also created in the games engine.

Stay tuned for new details as they are revealed.

Looking forward to the sequel? Feel it’s too late to bring bring back this icon of stealth games? Tell us below in the comments.