The not-quite-daily Steam Spotlight 17/03

assassins creed 3-HD

 Steam have gone absolutely bonkers this weekend with deals so why not part with that cash for some great games!

The Assassin’s Creed series is on sale now, all the PC games, all the DLC up to and including Assassin’s Creed III is on sale right now. What can we really say about the franchise? You’d be crazy to not take this opportunity to play the game franchise that has taken the world buy storm! Here are just some of the prices:

Assassin’s Creed III £14.99

Assassin’s Creed II £2.99

Assassin’s Creed £2.49

The Farcry Franchise pack is also on sale for only £24.99 for all the Farcry games! From the original to the amazing Farcry 3 all these games for under £25 is a ridiculous price and you should definitely pick it up!

There are plenty of more games in the ubisoft weekend so check out Steam for yourselves and have a look around! It’s like stealing games!