Fire Emblem Awakening MCM Preview


Fire Emblem Awakening, the newest title from Intelligent Systems, made an appearance at this year’s MCM Memorabilia Expo in Birmingham. I was able to get a hands on 20 minute session of the game and wow was I impressed.
Fire Emblem has always been one of those games that has grabbed my attention. From the art style and Psuedo anime style to the perma-death mechanics of the game, Fire Emblem has always brought a unique experience to the table. This time with Awakening, Fire Emblem returns more epic than ever with a great combination of RPG and Turn based strategy.

The game allows the player to take a hold of a group of individuals, all with different skill sets personalities and weapon types. With these warriors you must move into strategic locations using the over view map in order to move in for attacks or to move into forts or other important areas. You can move every character and complete an action with them whether it be a preperation for an attack, an all out assault or a spot of healing.

When it comes to dealing the damage to your opponent you have a choice between choosing your characters unique skills or using your basic weapon. Using your moves allows you to level them up, making your characters more proficient with those weapons as well as opening up the doors to more powerful and dominant abilities. As well as this, every time you are able to deal damage in a fighting situation, you will be rewarded experience dependant on how much damage you were able to deal. The experience for your character and the experience from your weapons and skills are all individual to one another creating a nice balance.

Cut scenes are portrayed brilliantly, displaying short and sweet animations on screen relevant to what the characters are talking about. The great addition to this is that if you are a player who prefers to skip the formalities and get into the fight, you can easily skip through the cut scenes and breeze through the dialogue on screen.

Overall the game looks and feels incredible. It is a game that feels amazing to both veterans and to new gamers introduced to the series. It could be one of the best 3DS titles to come out this year for any and all gamers that like a different experience.

So are you looking forward to Fire Emblem Awakening or are you going to sleep just thinking about it? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments below and be sure to look out for Fire Emblem Awakening releasing on the 19th of April.