TERA Goes Free to Play with Great Success


 TERA the online RPG released in Western World in May of last year to mixed responces but generally well recieved for the most part. The game is your classic fantasy MMO but with a brave new twist of the combat system rather than the usual ‘move out of fire, but apart from that stand still and cast things’.

Today the game has joined the many MMOs which have come before it released a free-to-play model, with great success. Over half a million new players have signed up since the free-to-play model was released bringing the total number of players rising to up to over one million players. Big focus pvp combat has been hinted at with a number of updates coming this year including a political system for guild who can create alliances which can combat other alliences for server supremacy. You can find out everything there is to know about TERA: Rising on their website.

What do you think of the Free to Play model in MMOs? Will you be trying TERA? Let us know in the comments below.