Second Reveal Trailer for ISOTX’s Untitled Project

ISOTX have released a new trailer that reveals the first faction, The European Alliance, that will appear in their untitled project. This new project is set to be a turn based strategy game and will be taking place in an alternate deiselpunk setting.

Here is a brief description of the European Alliance faction that was posted along with the reveal trailer on the ISOTX website.

The European Alliance sees itself as a beacon of light and civilization in the world. The Europeans believe themselves to be bringers of culture, technology and order to the less-fortunate in the far-flung corners of their colonial empires. They credit themselves with uplifting the world from the dark ages and bringing it to the lights of industry, unity and power.

This is simply the first of many factions to be revealed. As more information becomes available, VGU will report on how this project is developing. Until then, give us your thoughts on this European Alliance reveal trailer.