Arma III Alpha Available on Steam

Arma3 screeenshot PCGUS 04 exclusive

 It’s not very often games will be confident enough to release a less than full build to the public, let alone an alpha build. But the guys behind Arma III are so confident in the game that they are selling the Alpha build of Arma III on steam for £19.99. 

Buying the Alpha will get you access to the Beta as soon as it’s released as well as the full game, so you’re pretty much getting the game months in advanced of it’s full release. You also get 3 Alpha-lite invites, availalble on the 14th of March, you can invite 3 friends to play the Alpha Lite edition of the game. The digital deluxe edition is also available with all the extras being given to you upon the game’s full release.

What do you think of Arma 3’s Alpha being purchasable? Will you buy it or wait for the full game? Let us know in the comments below!