It was sad news when THQ went under. At the very least a large number of their franchises were snapped up by other devs. The Saints Row devs Volition was thankfully bought by the taltented people at Koch Media/Deep Silver just a few months ago, and they already have plans to release a game possibly later this year.
Aubrey Norried, manager of marketing and PR at KochMedia/Deep Silver, recently tweeted: “Dear media: You’re going to want to be at PAX East this year. If not, you’re going to be missing out on something HUGE. Just FYI!”
Alright, so that doesn’t point directly at Saints Row 4. Chris Stockman, design director of the first Saints Row and now lead designer at Human Head, however tweeted that “hey just to let you know word around the campfire is SR4 is shipping on current gen consoles in late August.” That would mean the game would be released a month ahead of GTA V, a cocky move to be sure.
This doesn’t seem too surprising when Koch media CEO Klemens Kundratitz was questioned about the future of the franchise. He stated that he had “no doubt” that the next Saints Row game will launch this year.
While this is still just a rumor, the possibility of a new Saints Row game is high. The last game sold over 5 million copies and was one of THQ’s biggest profit makers. A fourth game had already been mentioned June 18th last year after Volition decided to stop work to the planned SR3 expansion “Enter the Dominatrix” to use its content in the next game. There is a good chance this rumor is true depending how far along the game has come since that point.