From Bedrooms to Billions, A Scientific Curiosity That Sparked A Revolution

Filmmakers Anthony Caulfield & Nicola Caulfield have announced they have launched a new Kickstarter campaign to assist with the funding of a new two hour documentary movie that tells the story of the UK Video Games Industry, called ‘From Bedrooms to Billions’.

Last year they launched a highly successful campaign on crowd funding site Indie gogo to raise funds to start the filming, with their movie even being placed in the top 12 movie projects of the year by the US site, the only non-US film to do so out of thousands of entries.

‘From Bedrooms to Billions’ is a two hour feature length documentary film telling the remarkable, true story of the British Video Games Industry from 1979 to the present day and how the creativity and vision of a relatively small number of individuals allowed the UK to play a key, pioneering role in the shaping of the billion dollar video games industry, which today dominates the modern world’s entertainment landscape.

Featuring interviews with key contributors to the UK story in video game development, publishing and journalism from over the last 40 years, combined with compelling archive footage, ‘From Bedrooms to Billions’ is the first to attempt to bring this fascinating story together, starting in the late 70’s, spanning ‘Thatcher’s Britain’ of the 80’s and culminating in the dramatic shift of fortunes for the UK Video Games Industry by the late 90’s and beyond. The film celebrates the importance of this era and why it has become such a landmark period in the history of British invention, creativity and industry.

Producer, Anthony Caulfield said “From Bedrooms to Billions has been a very personal project for us since June 2008. Having completed many documentaries we have always wanted to document the rise of the British video games industry and the incredible story that went with it. What’s so fascinating is how the UK computer scene was originally nothing more than a scientific curiosity which snowballed into something so vast. As we started putting this film together we uncovered so many incredible personal stories, these people had to literally make up an industry as they went, some were very successful, but others were not so, however collectively we felt it a strong story that’s long overdue and should make a wonderful movie”.

Fellow Producer Nicola Caulfield said “This film will be a great piece of nostalgic entertainment that documents an important part of UK history. This era is so often overlooked and not known by young British talent looking to enter the games industry, as the vast majority of UK children, school leavers and even students believe that gaming originated mainly from the US and Japan and have little to no knowledge that a British games industry even once existed. It meant a great deal to us that last year enough people out there wanted to see this film made and backed our original funding campaign to begin filming. However as is common with many films financed via crowd funding, money is now needed to complete post-production, to secure archive footage, stills, music usage and clearances. Without these crucial elements the film would simply be 2 hours of talking heads and not the true and lasting documentary movie experience that the subject matter deserves. So we hope people will rally and help us make a permanent record of this golden era in British Industry”

The ‘From Bedrooms to Billions’ project went live on Kickstarter on Monday 25th February and has just 60 days to reach its funding goal of £18,000.

To help with their cause as well as having the option to simply order a copy of the film on digital download, DVD and Blu-ray, some of the most famous UK Video Games makers and musicians have donated and signed various items that are being offered as funding perks.

The film’s trailer, as well as further information on the ‘From Bedrooms to Billions’ Kickstarter campaign can be found at their official Kickstarter page.

You can also visit the film’s official website as well as the Facebook page and twitter page.

So are you thinking of backing this interesting idea of a film, I know I am. But be sure to post what you think about this idea down in the comments and check out the Kickstarter page for more information and developments.