Good Guy Sony – Confirms that the PS4 won’t block used games

With the Playstation 4’s official announcement finally over, the internet has exploded with speculation and rumours. One of those is that next-gen consoles are planning on stopping the sale of second hand games. Well Sony have now confirmed that the Playstation 4 will NOT be blocking used games.

Shuhei Yoshida, Sony’s Worldwide Studio boss, was quoted saying “so, used games can play on PS4. How is that?” in an interview with Eurogamer. This is great news for fans who still want to buy pre-owned games but were worried over the hundreds of conspiracy theories and rumours surrounding the issue.

Does this help sell the Playstation 4 for you more now, or were you already looking to pre-order the console and this fact simply sweetens the deal? Let us know with a comment.