Capcom to give out a free game every day in 2013


If you are a fan of games that have come out of the factory at Capcom, or just fans of free stuff, then you are in luck. Capcom have today announced that they will be giving away one game every weekday…for the remainder of 2013. This comes in honour of Capcom’s 30th anniversary. In order for you to get these free games all you have to do is…hang out on Capcom’s community blog, Capcom Unity, acquire points and enter yourself into a raffle. You didn’t believe there wouldn’t be any sort of catch did you?

The first of the games that is available is Dragon’s Dogma, for which you can enter the raffle for just 300 Unity points. However, not all games in the raffle will be 300 points, there are a few games that may cost a few more points to enter. To check the price of each raffle, visit the prize catalogue. To ensure all is fair, you may only win a raffle once a week, but are free to enter as many as you can afford with your Unity points. We can’t have one person winning all the prizes. 

There are several ways for people to earn these points. Posting blogs, commenting, talking in forums etc. all earn you Unity Points, as does sending in links for news stories. And even though some users have stockpiled an impressive stash of points, this is a raffle; they can buy extra chances, but it only takes one ticket to win. Here is a full breakdown of how the Unity point system works.

So, for those who want a chance to win themselves a free game or two, visit Capcom Unity and start earning those points!