Happy Hedgehog Day Post May be Hinting at Things to Come

Happy Sonic the Hedgehog day everyone! Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released today in 1994 and since then it has been dubbed Hedgehog Day by fans around the world, so, to celebrate this day the Sega blog posted up a entry wishing everyone a happy day and showing off a one of a kind Sonic Statue. While being cool to see the statue was not the only thing in this blog post of interest…

Throughout the post multiple letters are in bold compared to the normal text. When put together in the order they are in the post they spell “ernirehdgt“, however, after some rearranging you may notice that that they spell out “Red Herring“. While this could be a little joke, it could also be taken as a hint that something may be announced elsewhere…

Sonic Fans watch this space, we may be getting some good news very soon!

What do you think of this? Will there be some news? Or is it just wishful thinking? Let us know in the comments below!