Halo 4 Specialization Codes being sent out to lucky players!

You might remember 343 Industries saying that whoever purchased the normal edition of Halo 4 and played it before 20th November would receive a code that unlocks all of the 6 specializations. Well, true to their word 343 Industries have begun sending the codes out!

The email being sent out has the subject heading “Here is your gift from XBOX Live” and includes a link you need to click. This will take you to unlock the “Specialization Priority Alpha” DLC that unlocks the specializations for Multiplayer gaming!

For those of you confused as to what specializations are, they are sets of armour and abilities that can be attained after rank 50 and adds another 10 ranks onto your possible level. 

Are you one of the lucky people to get the code? Comment below and let us know!!