Wiikey Have Created a Mod Chip Which Allows Wii U Consoles to Play Copied Games

 “Yes, its real – we have now completely reversed the WiiU drive authentification, disk encryption, file system, and everything else needed for this next generation K3y. Stay tuned for updates!”

This was the latest update on the Wiikey Website today as they revealed the WiikeU, a mod chip that can make your Wii U play copied games. The site claims that the chip will be compatible with all Wii U models in all regions and that it is coming soon. However, the site has also not yet shown any proof of this device actually working.

If this is true then this could be a big blow to Nintendo who are already struggling to sell their newest console and is a big slap in the face for Nintendo’s continuing campaign against piracy.

What do you think about Wiikey and the WiikeU? What is opionin on piracy? Let us know what you think in the comments below!