Why Do We Love Toon Link? Zelda Director Explains

 The release of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD this september on Wii U saw far larger fanfare then it’s original, 2001 release. It seems that over the years many have slowly converted to the amusing and unique charm of Toon Link. Director and Producer on the Zelda Franchise, Eji Aonuma, believes that he knows why this is the case:

“Our first reaction was that we really wanted to know why this had changed. In this case, when we thought about why this reaction change occurred, we realize there’s mainly two factors. One is that, at the time when we first released Toon Link, the art style was a huge change to previous games, and users are often scared of this change–or at least people react in a big way if something changes and doesn’t change to what they expect.”

“I personally like Toon Link,” added Aonuma, “so after Wind Waker we created Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks with the new artwork style. As we did that, then new users joined the franchise and the recognition of Toon Link became widely accepted. This is also one factor why Wind Waker has been remade,” he said. 

Indeed, the cel shaded style, which has grown into a field all of it’s own now as an art style in gaming, although Aonuma notes this wasn’t the case at the time:

“This artwork style of Toon Link, we thought this would be the same sort of style used in a lot of other games. But it didn’t really get used. Even though it’s not brand new now, it’s still something that’s unique, and the specialness has not been taken away. That’s another reason why we could release The Wind Waker [HD in 2013], because it’s recognized but has remained unique.”

The now firmly placed love for Toon Link was a brilliant surprise to many in Nintendo, “We were supported and got more confidence from that, so it was a really pleasing experience for us to create the game.”

Aonuma also went on to define some of the more amazing moments for him within The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD:

  • Opening cutscenes on Outset Island: “I was writing cutscene scripts,” he said, “so people could design it how I wanted it, and one really important part of the cutscenes is when Aryll gets taken away. It’s really where the adventure begins, because Link then starts off on this journey. I really enjoy that as one of my favorite moments of playing the game.”


  • Heading to the Forsaken Fortress: “This scene where you have to hide and then you plan to get sent over in the barrel is something that’s quite exciting, and really one of my favorite scenes,” he says. The Forsaken Fortress is also important to the game, as the player returns to it later after Link has unlocked many of his powers and abilities. “I think it’s really important how the user feels connected to Link, his behavior and his actions, because as you play you get better at playing the game,” says Aonuma. “Link himself also evolves, and becomes better. This connection is something that’s really important in the game.”


  • The Wind Temple boss Molgera: “The boss when he comes out of the sand, the background music to that particular scene is really exciting for me, so this is really a moment that I cherish as one of my favorites,” said Aonuma.

Do you feel the same way about Toon Link? Do you see him as a fresh and exciting character? Let us know what you think in the comments below.