UK Games Retail Reports Worst Month on Record

Just over 1 million boxed games were sold during the month of July, which is 40.4% lower than that of June, and 33.3% lower than July 2012. Total revenue generated from stores are just over £23 million from game sales, which is almost half that of June.

July was forecast to be a bleak month for games sales, with Sony and Microsoft both gearing up for their next generation console launches and only having 3 new releases reach the Top 50 best selling games chart during July; Pikmin 3, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros and Dynasty Warriors 8, July certainly wasn’t a good month for stores. These figures have also been affected by the UK’s hot weather, which caused people to abandon shops for the coasts and other outdoor pursuits.

Through all of these hardships for games retailers, there is August 23rd to look forward to, with the release of high profile titles such as Saints Row IV, Disney Infinity and the newest addition to the Splinter Cell series, retailers should be able to recover in the not too distant future.

Did you purchase any games last month? If so what games did you pick up and what did you think? Let us know in the comments.