Ubisoft Reveals Information on a New Sidescroller Named ‘Child of Light’

‘Child of Light’ is a new 2D sidescroller from Ubisoft Montreal. It will be lead by Patrick Plourde, a veteran from Assassin’s Creed, as the creative director and will be powered by the UbiArt Framework engine, the same engine which powers the newest Rayman game, Rayman Legends.

Whilst at GDC Europe today, Plourde had described Child of Light as “an internal indie title” and said that the game is “rejecting the testosterone” of games like Far Cry 3, which he has also worked on.

According the GDC organiser Simon Carless, Child of Light will feature turn-based battles and a ‘living painting’ art style, drawing inspiration from Miyazaki and European fairytales.

With the UbiArt Framework engine, it is certainly possible to achieve that art style but a 2D sidescroller which has turn-based combat will certainly be an interesting addition. With no official media being released for the project there is not much left to say other than Child of Light may be one to watch out for in the future.

What do you think of Child of Light? Do the ideas behind the game get you excited? Let us know in the comments below.