The Walking Dead: Season 2 Coming This Month

It seems like it will be a harsh road ahead for poor Clementine, the protagonist for The Walking Dead: Season 2. Thankfully she will have a helpful hand from Omid, the cheerful history buff who first appeared near the end of Episode 3 of the first season.

The image was posted on Twitter by Telltale Games. The name of the first episode will be ‘All That Remains’, and will coming out before the end of December. Just what we need for Christmas, the heartbreaking story of a lonely nine year old girl.


For those who played The Walking Dead: 400 Days DLC, you may notice that this screenshot takes place at Gil’s Pitstop. This was the location where most of 400 Days took place, hopefully meaning that some of the characters will reappear if you made the right choices.

What do you think? Have any theories of how 400 Days will affect Season 2? Let us know in the comments.