American McGee and Eurogamer Clash Over the Issue of Review Scores
In the last few hours, American McGee, well-known for the Alice series of games, posted a status on his Facebook displaying his dislike of how had reviewed Alice: Madness Returns, joking that he doesn't care what Europeans think of him stating; "Seriously, it's not a big deal. Just gives me something…
American McGee Launches Episodic Game Grimm on Steam Greenlight
American McGee's Grimm takes the classic fairytales from the Brothers Grimm, stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Tom Thumb and Hansel and Gretel, and makes them into standalone adventures based on a different fairytale. The tales of the Brothers Grimm were originally intended as cautionary tales for children, although…
American McGee’s Grimm now available for PC
Spicy Horse Games, makers of Akaneiro: Demon Hunters and Alice: Madness Returns, has today announced that American McGee's Grimm is now available on SpicyWorld. Grimm sees you taking control of a dwarf named Grimm on a mission to turn the sweet fairy tales of today into the far-darker tales they originally were.…