PS4 and Xbox One Hard Drives Only Able to Fit 12 Full-Sized Games

It has been revealed that, whilst Xbox One and PS4 consoles will able able to hold dozens of games, particularly of this generation, digital users will struggle to have several games downloaded at once through their consoles. With 500GB of storage, a PS4/Xbox One and downloadable games coming in between 30GB/60GB there is simply not that much that can be used on your console. 

With the average expected to be 12 downloadable games able to fit on one console this in many ways gives a new lease of life to retail disk products. Until more thorough development of cloud, streamed gaming or a vast increase in storage for next gen consoles it seems that disk based games are the way to go. 

Would you still download your titles online still? Let us know what you think in the comments below.