Producer Tomoya Asano Views DLC as Toppings for a Dish

 DLC and micotransactions has been a hot trigger topic as of late due to their influence both on a games development and a players interaction with the title. An individual make vary from refusing to buy them at all whilst others will happily purchase new content to try out all possible features within a game. 

The most recent game that has come under-fire is that of JRPG Bravely Default created by Square Enix. Currently a player can purchase potions from the Nintendo e-shop in order to ease up their gaming experience. When asked on his opinions through Dengeki Online Producer Tomoya Asano provided the world with his own, personal view on DLC. For Asano, DLC is like going to a restaurant and ordering a cup of kitsune-soba soup with deep fried tofu. Some people may want more toppings to increase the favor and diversity and DLC’s operate in a similar manner.

 “Of course this doesn’t mean making the soup intentionally more salty to sell additional drinks. After having provided the proper aburaage added to the delicious kitsune-soba, you can provide more toppings to people that want to eat more. I don’t think this is a mechanism that people should dislike.”

What do you make of Asano’s view? Let us know what you think in the comments below.