Origin Introduces New Refund System

Origin have today announced a new refund system, christened the Origin Great Game Guarantee, the system will allow players to get full refunds for games bought through the service. The service only works with EA titles for now, but it’s a move that could help Origin in the long run.

To be eligible for a refund, you must apply for it within a time frame of one of three events. These are within 24 hours of first launching the game, within 7 days of purchase or within 7 days of the release date if the game was pre-ordered. Origin will choose which ever of these events happens first as the cut-off point for your refund.

To request the refund, users are required to go to their order history and answer a few questions then Origin will decide on your eligibility.

The system is operating immediately in 20 countries and hopes to be online world-wide by the end of September.

This is a nice addition to see to Origin and helps it to stand out against its competitors, but what do you think of the Great Game Guarantee? Do you think it will beneficial for gamers? Let us know in the comments.