Magic: The Gathering Movies On The Way

The Hollywood Reporter has revealed that the movie studio 20th Century Fox has not one, but several movies in the pipeline based on Magic: The Gathering.

The studio hopes to create a huge franchise that can rival other huge fantasy movies such as The Lord of the Rings, and so has called in Simon Kinberg, a producer at Fox who helped create the X-men movies and their universe.

Magic: The Gathering is already a hugely successful card game, featuring tons of powerful creatures, sorcerers and fighters, all with varied designs and personalities – a movie set amongst all this could prove to provide an interesting story in a dark fantasy setting, which would obviously appeal to many people.

As to what the movies could be about in terms of plot, there is no word, but fans of the competitive card game will surely have a lot to discuss. What do you think? Does Magic: The Gathering have what it takes to be on the big screen? Let us know in the comments below.